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Reviews and thoughts from readers




A Question of Ghosts
“Wow!  Wow!  Wow!  Maybe that’s enough to say for a review, but it would probably be a good idea to explain what brought on the exclamations.  This is exactly what a paranormal mystery should be.  Cate Culpepper has written an excellent story with perfect pacing and terrific main characters. Don't plan on reading it if you have something pressing to do, like sleeping, because you'll want to finish the book first. There is a romance in the story and it's not like any one you've ever read. The mystery unfolds gradually and the ultimate answer stays unknown until the last pages of the book and offers a surprise. Giving this book a high recommendation is easy.”
- Lynn P., Straight Arrow Reviews




River Walker
“What a beautiful and uplifting story. It is so rare to find an Anglo that understands what a curandera truly is but Ms. Culpepper has captured that essence as well as the unique spirituality of the traditional Mexicana healer.  Elena Montalvo is my kind of healer, empathic and tolerant. I liked that Grady (who became her love interest) was so different than her and yet together they heal a community and find new ways of embracing peace for them both.  There are layers of metaphor in this story, nicely woven into a blanket of pleasurable reading and if you happen to love the desert, and women, and ghosts (!), as I do, by all means spend an evening or two with River Walker.”

- Maria Elena G.






“This was a WONDERFUL book. I could feel the warmth of the fire and the caring that all of the residents and staff have for one another.  I certainly loved Cate Culpepper's Tristaine series, and I hope that she writes a sequel to that someday. However, this book is a great stand-alone book that will renew your faith in the human spirit.”

- Kay B.
The Tristaine Series

“The Clinic sets the tone for what promises to be a terrific series. Culpepper's writing style is spare and evocative, her plotting precise. You can't help but feel strongly for the Amazon warrior women and their plight, and this book is a must-read for all those who enjoy fantasy coupled with a powerful story of survival and adventure. Highly recommended.”
- Lori L., Midwest Book Review

"I wasn’t surprised to learn that the author has won a number of prestigious awards for her writing, including a Lambda Literary Award and a Golden Crown Literary Society award. Her writing is outstanding, and the characters and stories are memorable. I’m very much looking forward to delving into Ms. Culpepper’s other novels." -- J. Faraday

"Culpepper's writing style can only be described as fluid and soothing. This is a multi-faceted book that will fascinate even the staunchest non-believer. Culpepper is a born story teller, and the reader can imagine her spinning this yarn of ghosts and evil spirits to friends around a campfire."  -- Lambda Literary Review



"Romance, mystery, and ghost story – Culpepper does it all."  -- Kissed By Venus

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